Time is Money

Time Management is of utmost importance. Time is a scarce resource on the planet.

Time is money

Time saved is Money Saved

The first and foremost thing to do is to manage time. Effective time management does not come naturally to most of us. If you concentrate on managing time it can be easy. I have realized by making notes and following best practices

Here are some tips easy to follow and will go a long way in making you a success.

  1. Time is precious – Time is more precious thing. Time which is spent cannot come back. So live in the moment and use it very effectively.
  2. Setting Goal – First you should set a goal. If do not where to go how can you make plans. So first decide the destination.
  3. Plan your time – Plan on how to maximize the use of time. Stop being lazy and seize the moments.
  4. Deadlinesare essential – We focus more on producing quality work. Bartering time with quality is not the best idea. Setting deadline actually helps you think better and produce quality.
  5. Prioritizing – Always decide what to do first and what to do last. This helps in managing time better. Do the most important things first and the least important last.
  6. Breaks – Taking rest in between the work actually increases your productivity. Working continuously can take a toll on your health too. So take a break.
  7. Distractions – Avoid the elements that take your focus away from tasks.
  8. Routine – Having a well ironed out routine helps in effective time management.
  9. Ability to say NO – Say No to things which are either not your priority. Do not keep too much on the plate.
  10. Check to see – Measure your own effectiveness by checking the completed tasks. Reviewing helps a lot to manage time.

Managing time is not that difficult. It only takes a bit of time. It will make you rich!!!!